This week, SC BIPEC (South Carolina’s Business and Industry Political Education Committee), released its annual legislative report card for all of the members of the South Carolina House and Senate. On that report card, Rep. Bill Sandifer received the highest score of the 124 House members with a 98.12.
BIPEC, a politically nonpartisan business and industry organization, has been keeping score and informing South Carolinians about how their legislators are voting on business-related issues since 1985. The organization uses roll call votes and bill sponsorships on business and industry issues to calculate a vote score for each member. Legislators are graded based on how they vote on issues such as property taxes, health care and tort reform, local and state regulatory fees, licenses, and corporate income taxes.
Sandifer says that he is thrilled to earn such a high score from, “the preeminent business-positive group in the state.”
“SC BIPEC’s input is highly sought after by business-minded members of the legislature,” he adds. Sandifer’s score is particularly significant because he chairs the Labor, Commerce, and Industry Committee, which addresses all business-related legislation in the House and is one of only six standing committees.
“In the legislature, one of my primary goals is making South Carolina a good place to do business, so the private sector can expand and prosper,” Sandifer explains. “When we create a business-friendly climate, the end result will be a stronger economy, new jobs, and, ultimately, a better standard of living for the families of our state.”