By Amanda Rylander,

SENECA – The South Carolina Telephone Association has awarded Seneca’s S.C. State Representative Bill Sandifer with the 2002 Legislative Leadership Award.

Sandifer was selected for the award based on his legislative activities during his eight terms in office and his leadership role as Chief Majority Whip.  In that role, Sandifer was directly involved in almost all legislation passed during the 2001-2002 session.

The association is a business association of the state’s 25 incumbent local telephone companies.

“The 2001-2002 legislative session was particularly challenging, and Mr. Sandifer provided effective leadership that helped guide passage of legislation which in turn benefited all citizens in the state,” SC Telephone Association president James Wilder said.

“Mr. Sandifer promoted development and protection of the state’s economic, educational and natural resources,” association executive director J.D. Pate said.  “And initiated standards of conduct for public agencies, employees and officials.”

Sandifer co-sponsored several bills, including legislation prohibiting the unauthorized switching of a utility customer’s account from one utility to another.  Additionally, he co-sponsored legislation that requires committees that oversee utility matters receive reports of efforts to minimize disruptin of consumer services, property losses and injuries resulting from construciton accidents affecting utilities and facilities.

Sandifer was also recognized by the association for his nearly 40 years of cummunity service.  He is a former Oconee Memorial Hospital Board of Directors Chairman, served on the United Way and President of the Greater Seneca Chamber of Commerce.