Office of the Speaker



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                                                               

Contact: Greg Foster

(803) 734-3125 

Businesses to be Heard on “Red Tape” Regulations

LCI to hold separate hearings for those driving our economy

 (Columbia, SC) – The Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee (LCI) announced today, two hearing dates to take testimony on this year’s Small Business “Red Tape” Reduction Bill.  The Committee is inviting individuals from small businesses to speak about red tape regulations on March 25th at 2:30 pm.  Business representative groups and all others will have an opportunity to testify on March 26th at 9:00 am.  

“We want to give those individuals who are driving our state’s economy the first opportunity to have a voice in this debate,” said House Speaker Bobby Harrell.  “With an unemployment rate approaching 10%, government should be looking for ways to help economic progress that will lead to job growth.  Their hands-on knowledge of how over-burdensome, red tape regulations hinder growth and make their jobs more difficult will be invaluable in the drafting of this bill.” 

The first day’s hearing will be reserved for members of our state’s business community – Business owners & operators, employers & employees – to give firsthand accounts of how over-burdensome regulations hinder their activity and growth.  On the second day’s meeting, the committee will hear from all others, including representatives of the business community – Business interest groups, the Department of Commerce, the Small Business Regulatory Review Committee, etc. – to get a bigger picture of how our state’s regulations impact different aspects of commerce all over South Carolina.  

LCI Committee Chairman Bill Sandifer (R – Oconee & Pickens) commented, “Participation from the business community will be a key factor in creating a successful Red Tape Reduction Bill.  Without their guidance, it will just be a case of government blindly dictating to businesses what is best for them and could potentially do more harm than good.  Our state’s business leaders will help us target and eliminate the red tape that is holding back their growth.” 

The LCI Committee is actively working with business groups and businesses directly to organize individuals for the hearings.  Anyone wishing to participate in the red tape reduction hearings can call 803-734-3015 for additional information on the meetings. 

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