Rep. Bill Sandifer to Address the Rotary Club of Seneca

(Seneca, SC) — S.C. House Representative Bill Sandifer will address the Rotary Club of Seneca on Thursday, July 12, 2007.  He will speak during the Rotary Club’s lunch meeting at Hamilton Career Center at 100 Vocational Drive in Seneca at 1:00 PM.   His remarks will include a recap of the 2007 legislative session of the South Carolina General Assembly.

Rep. Bill Sandifer has faithfully served the needs of the people of Oconee County and South Carolina from the moment he was elected to South Carolina’s House of Representatives in 1994.  He has earned a reputation of bipartisanship and as an experienced, dedicated conservative who shapes public policy based on strong economic growth, high-quality education, efficient government and strong families.

For more information on Rep. Bill Sandifer, visit