

February 25, 2008

Contact: Rep. Bill Sandifer
(864) 885-2240 or bill@sandifer.us

Sandifer Announces Bid For Re-Election To S.C. House

(Seneca, SC) – Today, Rep. Bill Sandifer announced his bid for an eighth term in the South Carolina House of Representatives.

Sandifer has represented S.C. House District 2, which includes Oconee County and a very small area in Pickens County, since 1994. Throughout his career in public service, he has earned a reputation for being a dedicated conservative who is able to work across party lines for positive change.

“Serving the people of Oconee County has been an incredible honor and privilege,” Sandifer says. “After 14 years of serving in the S.C. General Assembly, it’s exciting to see how much we’ve accomplished for the good of South Carolina. However, I believe we’ve only seen the beginning of what we can do together.”

In the S.C. House, Sandifer currently serves as a ranking member of the Labor, Commerce and Industry Committee (LCI) and chairs its Public Utilities Subcommittee. He was also elected by his House colleagues to serve on the House Ethics Committee.

“We still face great challenges in our state. We still need to work to improve education, create jobs and grow the economy, reduce the tax burden on families, keep government spending in check, and protect our valuable natural resources,” Sandifer adds. “Given the opportunity, I pledge to continue the work that the good people of my district have sent me to Columbia to do. I promise to keep fighting to make South Carolina an even better place for our children and grandchildren.”

“Bill Sandifer is the kind of proven leader that South Carolina needs,” says S.C. House Speaker Bobby Harrell. “He is an experienced and very capable public servant who has been a major ally in the House as we pass legislation that continues to move our state forward. I value his leadership and wise counsel.”

For more information on Rep. Bill Sandifer, please visit www.billsandifer.com.