The South Carolina Business and Industry Political Education Committee (S.C. BIPEC) has acknowledged Representative Bill Sandifer for the measurable support he has demonstrated for the working people of South Carolina through his service in the General Assembly.

Representative Sandifer is one of only 19, out of 124 S.C. Representatives, who scored a 100 on S.C. BIPEC’s 2012 Legislative Scorecard.  The business and industry community considers a legislator with a S.C. BIPEC Vote Score of 100 a “Champion of Free Enterprise.”  Their legislative endeavors have resulted directly in the creation of jobs and a higher standard of living for South Carolinians. 

“The Members of S.C. BIPEC appreciate Representative Sandifer’s strong support of business growth, economic development and jobs creation,” said S.C. BIPEC President & CEO Tom DeLoach.

For every session of the South Carolina General Assembly since 1985, S.C. BIPEC has used roll call votes on business issues to calculate a Vote Score for each member of the S.C. Senate and House to determine the legislator’s business stance.  The process is as follows: 1) bills are rated business positive or business negative by BIPEC PAC; 2) roll call votes concerning those bills from the official legislative Journal are recorded, factoring in the nature of a legislator’s absences; 3) each vote (bill) is weighted according to its relative importance; 4) a raw vote score is calculated; and 5) points are awarded for sponsorship of business positive legislation and points are deducted for sponsorship of business negative legislation. 

S.C. BIPEC is the political research arm of the South Carolina Business and Industry Community. The S.C. BIPEC staff produces the LEGISLATIVE SCORECARD annually and publishes it online at S.C. BIPEC is a non-profit and non-partisan organization.