State legislator Bill Sandifer has been reappointed to serve as chairman of the Workers Compensation Committee for the National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL). Sandifer was appointed to the chairmanship this year by NCOIL President Rep. George Keiser of North Dakota. He was previously appointed by Rep. Robert Damron of Kentucky.

NCOIL is an organization of legislators from across the country working to improve state insurance policies and regulation. Sandifer is involved in NCOIL because he chairs the Labor, Commerce, and Industry Committee in the S.C. House, which addresses insurance-related legislation.

Chairing the Workers Compensation Committee will give Sandifer a chance to interact with legislators from all regions of the country and learn about best practices in other states. This experience, Sandifer believes, will help him find new ways to make South Carolina’s workers compensation system one of the nation’s best.

“Workers compensation insurance not only plays an important role in the employer/employee relationship, but also impacts the state’s business environment and overall economy,” Sandifer explains. “We must strike the right balance between protecting employees from work-related injuries and shielding employers from high business costs.”

Sandifer says that legislative action on the workers compensation front is critical to helping South Carolina attract new business and industry, which will create jobs.

“South Carolina needs sound workers compensation reforms that will increase efficiency and effectiveness as well as balancing the interests of stakeholders,” Sandifer says. “I am excited to focus on this issue to help improve our state’s business climate.”


NCOIL, an organization of state legislators, addresses public policy related to insurance legislation and regulation. Many legislators active in NCOIL chair or are members of the committees responsible for insurance in their respective state houses across the country.  All states are either general or contributing NCOIL members. For more information, visit