Bill Sandifer, who represents Oconee County’s District 2 in the S.C. House, will be holding two town hall meetings this month.

The first event will take place at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 10. It will be held at Earle’s Grove Baptist Church, located at 398 Cedar Lane Road in Westminster.

The second event will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 22. It will take place at Seneca City Hall, 221 East North First Street in Seneca.

The purpose of the events is to update citizens on topics being debated in the state legislature. In addition, the meetings will provide a forum where residents can ask questions and let their voice be heard on the critical issues facing South Carolina.

Questions can be sent to Sandifer in advance of the meeting via email at or on Facebook.

Both town hall meetings are open to the public.