by | Jun 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
The Daily Journal: Sanford, lawmakers spar over budget, agree on immigration COLUMBIA — Gov. Mark Sanford and the state’s legislative branch saw both agreement and contention on different items in the last few days before the legislature’s session came to...
by | Jun 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
The Daily Journal: Educate yourself: Know the candidates, not just the campaigns Politics, like the labels of “liberal” and “conservative,” has become a four-letter word. And much of that is not so much because how parties and people are divided on the issues but how...
by | Jun 6, 2008 | Uncategorized
The Daily Journal: Sandifer, Rumsey continue war of words The South Carolina Associations of Taxpayers, this week, designated Rep. Bill Sandifer, R-Seneca, a “taxpayers’ hero” for what it called his leadership in cutting taxes and holding the line on spending....
by | Jun 5, 2008 | Uncategorized
6/5/2008 REP. BILL SANDIFER FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 5, 2008 Contact: Rep. Bill Sandifer (864) 885-2240 or South Carolina Leaders Endorse Sandifer (Seneca, SC) — With the June 10 primary election quickly approaching, several state officials...
by | Jun 5, 2008 | Uncategorized
The Daily Journal: Sandifer puts his trust in the people Representative Bill Sandifer Editor, I am writing in response to Gov. Mark Sanford’s May 30 letter to the editor. Under normal circumstances I would not write any rebuttal. However, the circumstances that...
by | Jun 4, 2008 | Uncategorized
6/4/2008 Press Release from SC Association of Taxpayers: Rep. Bill Sandifer called a “taxpayers’ hero” Tuesday, June 3rd For Immediate Release: The South Carolina Associations of Taxpayers has designated Rep. Bill Sandifer of Oconee County a “taxpayers’...
by | Jun 4, 2008 | Uncategorized
6/4/2008 BILL SANDIFER FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 4, 2008 Contact: Rep. Bill Sandifer (864) 885-2240 or Sandifer Endorsed by U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham Rep. Bill Sandifer has picked up another significant endorsement in his bid for re-election to the...
by | Jun 3, 2008 | Uncategorized
6/2/2008 BILL SANDIFER FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 2, 2008 Contact: Rep. Bill Sandifer (864) 885-2240 or Sandifer Scores Major Pro-Life Endorsement S.C. Citizens for Life’s PAC announces its support for Rep. Bill Sandifer Seneca, SC —...
by | Jun 3, 2008 | Uncategorized
Independent Mail: Keep Oconee progressive at county, state levels Oconee County has a powerful delegation. Sen. Thomas Alexander is completing 20 years. Rep. Bill Sandifer is completing 14 years. Rep. Bill Whitmire is completing six years and is running unopposed for...
by | Jun 3, 2008 | Uncategorized
The Daily Journal: Sandifer scores major Pro-Life endorsement SENECA — State Representative Bill Sandifer has been endorsed by S.C. Citizens for Life (SCCL) Political Action Committee, known as “LIFEPAC,” in his bid for re-election. SCCL is the...